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Our offering
We offer our customers a simple, sustainable and profitable collaboration. Together, we want to lead the industry based on simplicity, innovation and quality. We deliver solutions and products whose effects improve our customers’ everyday life in terms of physical work environment, energy saving or otherwise improved quality of life. We at Industridrapier strive to be a safe and long-term partner with pleasant treatment, fast deliveries, quality that is felt and the customer in focus.
“Industridrapier strives to be a safe and long-term partner with innovative solutions, good products and the customer in focus.”
Vidar ReuterwallVD Industridraperier

Energy saving
The multiport with PVC stripes saves thousands of dollars through reduced energy consumption
When doors are open during the winter season, a large amount of heat energy is lost through the opening. With our product Mulitiporten, the energy loss can be reduced by up to 90% and thus save thousands through reduced energy consumption. During the summer half, the Mulitporten also protects against heat and keeps the cool air in the room – also energy-saving to a large extent.
With Industridraperier’s product Multiporten, consisting of PVC stripes or a swing door, you get effective protection against cold drafts, smoke gases and dust. You can easily both walk and drive through a PVC curtain with a forklift. The PVC strips are available in several different qualities and sizes. Our PVC curtain can be ordered complete or as a spare part through PVC stripes on a roll of 50 m or by running meters.
The multiport is delivered with fixed or sliding suspension.
Physical working environment
With our various sound absorbers and noise walls, we improve the physical working environment
Loud noise can temporarily or permanently damage hearing. Noise can also make employees more tired and stressed, which leads to reduced productivity. It can also make it more difficult to have a conversation and increases the risk of sick leave and workplace accidents.
With our various wall/ceiling absorbers, noise curtains A10/A20 and noise walls A50, we improve the physical work environment based on your conditions and needs.